- all lowercase, e.g. file: addtablename.php, popalert.php
- $WHERE, $SORT - all uppercase variables holds array data
- camelCase e.g. function: getUsers(), fetchAccount()
- addTablename - presents Add form
- saveTablename - saves data from Add form
- editTablename - presents Edit Form
- updateTablename - updates data from Edit form
- modal /popup - will present information for deletion
- deleteTablename - modal deletes record based on table row id record chosen
- DB result set - $rs_tablename
- Database table and columns names always all lowercase, no underscores, no hyphens, etc.
- Table primary keys must be tablename + id
- e.g. userid, menuid (these always defined as unsigned integers[11])
- All tables are timestamped. Thus, must have datetime datatype column defined as follows:
- createdate - datetime
- lastupdate - datetime
- The timestamp columns are automatically maintained when using the PDO CRUD Class.