select() function
returns a result set based on WHERE criteria
Parameters - select( tablename, where, select, sort, limit )
- SQL table name
- WHERE condition - array, multiple values treated as AND parameters
e.g. WHERE col1 = value1 AND col2 = value2 - SELECT arguments - comma-delimited string, defaults to *
- SORT argument - array, i.e. ORDER BY
- LIMIT argument - integer, default to 9999
Example 1: select() MVC Show Process
- trigger a display event (Javascript)
- invoke a PHP function with select() data result being (render) to html page/view
- data being process within page/view (HTML)
// Example 1 [public/mvcspa/controller] SHOW PROCESS
// Javascript load PHP showClass result into [sharktank] div
$(document).on('click', "a#showclass",
function (e) {
$('#sharktank').load('controller/showclass'); // invokes PHP controller function
// Example 1 [controllers/controller] - PHP showClass function
function showClass() {
$this->view->rs_class = = $this->model->db->select('class'); // returns entire table result set
$this->view->render('controller/showclass', false); // invokes view markup file
// Example 1 [views/showclass] - embedded HTML below loops thru $rs_class result set
// foreach fetches a row as it loops
foreach ( $this->rs_class as $row ) :
/** HTML markup here processes ($row) data to format and display output **/
<?php endforeach; ?>
// Example 2 rowCount() of result set
$orgid = (int) Session::get('orgid');
$col2 = $_POST['col2'];
$WHERE = array();
$WHERE['orgid'] = $orgid;
$WHERE['col2'] = $col2;
$rs_table = $this->model->db->select('table', $WHERE, $sel='*' );
$alertCount = $rs_table->rowCount(); // PDO, returns rows in result set
if ( $alertCount )