How it works

  • Initial mvcSPA Platform Setup
    • (sysAdmin) Edit platform configuration [ config/config.php ] file.  Enter project base directory, website name, database name, password, etc.  Any application routes are added [ config/routes.php ] file.
    • (sysAdmin) Edit Apache web access configuration [ .htaccess ] file, if necessary.  On most linux system, it's not required.
    • (sysAdmin) Using App Control menu, add organization user role(s) [usercontrol] table.  Each role is assigned a controller class, an entry point method and a userlevel to it.  Any controller class block methods needed are entered [userblock] table.
    • (sysAdmin) Adds your organization [org] table
    • (orgAdmin) Adds users to the organization, perhaps a registration process will automatically add users [user] table
    • (orgAdmin) Chooses defined user roles for users in the organization, each user role has an assigned controller class [usercontrol] table
    • (orgAdmin) Selects which user role is primary to each user [userrole] table
    • (sysAdmin / orgAdmin) Use spadash-1.0/mvcspa-starters folder to select your controller, model, js, decide whether vertical or horizonat menu view page will be needed.  Place these mvc components in the corresponding mvc folder
    • (orgAdmin / developer) Lastly, develop methods and procedures for the selected mvcSPA components constructed.
  • Login Process
    • (user) Logs in, the user associated with a primary user role is presented with a dashboard page with menus and functionality associated with this role.
        [ views/class/index.php ]
    • (user) Later, the user can choose from the different dashboard user roles associated with the user [ views/class/index.php ]
  • Once at the dashboard page or view
    • (user) User chooses an action by clicking on html element (menu,link,button) which triggers an event that invokes a Controller Class method [ controllers/class/method ]
    • (user) The event is handled by javascript/jQuery associated with that particular controller class [ public/mvcspa/class ]
    • (user) Javascript sastifies request by loading result into a dashboard
      div [ id="sharktank" ] or presenting a modal
    • (user) Then the platform awaits for the user to trigger another event