Included Files
[ config, spadash-1.0, public ] folders are expandable to show some files
configmvcSPA configuration
- config.phpplatform configuration file
- routes.phproute mapping file (Alto Router)
- custom themelanding page assets for custom theme (optional) controllers / home
- controllersmvc controller classes (PHP methods)
- extraApache 404 error pages
- includesplatform-wide utility functions
- libsmvc class library
- modelsmvc model classes (SQL functions)
- myDocsfile/document storage
- pluginsapplications libraries stored as a plugins, defined in (routes.php)
publicmvc [css/js] utility plugins
- mvcspa controller class folders js file
- ... javascript and jQuery plugin folders
- reserve-docshtml copy of online docs
spadash-1.0 admin dashboard theme
- assetscss, js files
- mvcspa-startersmvc starter components: models, controller, views, js
- vendorthird-party assets [css/js] libraries, plugins installed via composer, etc
- viewsmvc view classes (HTML markup pages)
- .htaccessApache web access configuration file
- index.phploads libs, invokes core mvc classes ... starts the show